Landmark Name
(Former) Fire Engine Com
(Former) Firehouse, Engin
(Former) Public School 6
1 Wall Street Banking Ro
1 Wall Street Building
10 West 130th Street Hous
1009 Fifth Avenue House
103 Riverside Drive House
104 Riverside Drive House
105 Franklin Avenue Hous
105 Riverside Drive House
107-109 Riverside Drive H
116 Sullivan Street House
12 West 129th Street Hous
12 West 130th Street Hous
120 East 92nd Street Hous
121 Heberton Avenue Hous
122 East 92nd Street Hous
126 West 18th Street Stab
1261 Madison Avenue Apart
127 MacDougal Street Hous
128 West 18th Street Stab
129 MacDougal Street Hous
13 West 54th Street House
130 West 30th Street Bui
130 West 57th Street Stu
130-132 West 18th Street
131 Charles Street House
131 MacDougal Street Hous
1321 Madison Avenue House
136 West 18th Street Sta
14 West 130th Street Hous
140 Broadway
140 West 18th Street Sta
140 West 57th Street Stu
143 Allen Street House
144 West 14th Street Bui
145 Eighth Avenue House
146 East 89th Street Hou
147 Eighth Avenue House
148 East 89th Street Hou
15 West 54th Street House
150 East 89th Street Hou
152 East 38th Street Hous
152 East 89th Street Hou
154 East 89th Street Hou
154 West 14th Street Bui
156 East 89th Street Hou
157 East 78th Street Hous
159 Charles Street House
159 East 78th Street Hous
16 West 130th Street Hous
161 East 73rd Street Carr
161 East 78th Street Hous
163 East 73rd Street Carr
163-165 East 78th Street
166 East 73rd Street Carr
167 East 73rd Carriage Ho
168 East 73rd Carriage Ho
17 East 90th Street House
17 West 16th Street House
170 East 73rd Street Carr
171 East 73rd Street Hous
172-174 East 73rd Street
173 East 73rd Street Carr
175 Belden Street
175 East 73rd Street Hous
175 West Broadway Buildi
177-179 East 73rd Street
178 East 73rd Street Carr
18 East 41st Street Buil
18 West 130th Street Hous
180 East 73rd Street Carr
182 East 73rd Street Carr
183-195 Broadway
189 Front Street Buildin
18th Police Precinct Stat
190 Grand Street House
191 Front Street Buildin
192 Grand Street House
193 Front Street Buildin
195 Front Street Buildin
19th Police Precinct Sta
2 Park Avenue Building
2 White Street House
20 West 130th Street Hous
203 Prince Street House
208 East 78th Street Hous
20th Precinct Police Stat
21 Tier Street House
21 West Street Building
210 East 78th Street Hous
212 East 78th Street Hous
214 East 78th Street Hous
216 East 78th Street Hous
218 East 78th Street Hous
22 Pendleton Place House
22 West 130th Street Hous
23 Park Place Building
238 President Street Hou
23rd Police Precinct Sta
23rd Regiment Armory
24 West 130th Street Hous
240 Central Park South A
25 Harrison Street House
25 Park Place Building
254-260 Canal Street
26 West 130th Street Hous
263 Henry Street Building
27 Harrison Street House
275 Madison Avenue Build
27A Harrison Street Hous
28 West 130th Street Hous
281 East Broadway House
28th Police Precinct Sta
29 Cottage Place House
29 Harrison Street House
290 State Street House
291 State Street House
292 State Street House
293 State Street House
294 State Street House
295 State Street House
296 State Street House
297 State Street House
298 State Street House
299 State Street House
30 West 130th Street Hous
300 State Street House
302 State Street House
304 State Street House
306 State Street House
308 State Street House
31 Harrison Street House
310 State Street House
311 Broadway Building
311 East 58th Street Hous
312 East 53rd Street Hous
312 State Street House
313 East 58th Street Hous
314 East 53rd Street Hous
314 State Street House
315 Broadway Building
316 State Street House
316 West 85th Street Hous
318 State Street House
318 West 85th Street Hous
32 Dominick Street House
32 West 130th Street Hous
320 State Street House
320 West 85th Street Hous
322 State Street House
322 West 85th Street Hous
324 State Street House
324 West 85th Street Hous
325-333 Broadway Buildin
326 Spring Street House
326 West 85th Street Hous
329 West 85th Street Hous
32nd Police Precinct Stat
33 Harrison Street House
331 West 85th Street Hous
332 West 83rd Street Hous
333 West 85th Street Hous
335 West 85th Street Hous
337 West 85th Street Hous
339 Grand Street House
34 Dominick Street House
34 West 130th Street Hous
35-34 Bell Boulevard
354 West 11th Street Hous
359 Broadway Building
36 Dominick Street House
36 West 130th Street Hous
364 Van Duzer Street Hous
369th Regiment Armory
38 West 130th Street Hous
39 Harrison Street House
39 Worth Street Building
390 Van Duzer Street Hous
40 West 130th Street Hous
400 Madison Avenue Build
409 Edgecombe Avenue Apa
40th Police Precinct Sta
41 Harrison Street Hous
41 Worth Street Building
411 Westervelt Avenue Hou
412 East 85th Street Hous
413 Westervelt Avenue Hou
415 Westervelt Avenue Hou
417 Westervelt Avenue Hou
42 West 130th Street Hous
428 Lafayette Street Bui
44 West 130th Street Hous
45 East 66th Street Apart
46 West 130th Street Hous
47 West 28th Street Buil
48 West 130th Street Hous
486 Greenwich Street Hous
488 Greenwich Street Hou
49 West 28th Street Buil
4th Police Precinct Stat
5 West 16th Street Buildi
50 West 130th Street Hous
500 Fifth Avenue Buildin
504 Canal Street House
506 Canal Street House
508 Canal Street House
51 West 28th Street Buil
511 Grand Street House
513 Grand Street House
52 West 130th Street Hous
52nd Police Precinct Stat
53 West 28th Street Buil
53rd (now 101st) Precinc
54 West 130th Street Hous
55 West 28th Street Buil
555 Edgecombe Avenue Apa
56 West 130th Street Hous
565 and 569 Bloomingdale
57 Sullivan Street House
574 Sixth Avenue Buildin
58 West 130th Street Hous
60 West 130th Street Hous
614 Courtland Avenue Buil
62 West 130th Street Hous
62nd Police Precinct Sta
63 Nassau Street Buildin
647 Fifth Avenue Building
66 Harvard Avenue House
677 Lafayette Avenue Hous
678 Lafayette Avenue Hous
679 Lafayette Avenue Hous
69 Delafield Place House
7 West 16th Street Buildi
712 Fifth Avenue Building
752 Delafield Avenue
8 West 130th Street House
817 Broadway Building
826 Broadway Building (n
827-831 Broadway Buildin
83 Sullivan Street House
832-834 Broadway Buildin
836 Broadway Building
840 Broadway Building
85 Sullivan Street House
854 West End Avenue House
856 West End Avenue House
858 West End Avenue House
9 West 16th Street Buildi
90-94 Maiden Lane Buildin
92 Harrison Street House
94 Greenwich Street Hous
94-100 Lafayette Street
95 Madison Avenue (The Em
97 Bowery Building
998 Fifth Avenue Apartmen
A. I. Namm & Son Departm
A. T. Stewart Store
A.T. Demarest & Company
AT&T Corporate Headquart
Aakawaxung Munahanung (I
Aberdeen Hotel
Abraham J. Wood House
Abraham Lent House
Abraham Manee House
Abyssinian Baptist Churc
Actors Studio
Adrian and Ann Wyckoff O
Aeolian Building
Ahrens Building
Alderbrook House
Algonquin Hotel
Alhambra Apartments
Alice Austen House
Alice and Agate Courts
Allerton 39th Street Hou
Alumni House
Alvin Theater
Alvin Theatter (now Neil
Alwyn Court Apartments
Ambassador Theater
American Bank Note Compa
American Bank Note Compa
American Express Company
American Female Guardian
American Fine Arts Societ
American Museum of Natura
American Radiator Buildin
American Seamen's Friend
American Society for the
American Surety Company
American Telephone & Tel
American Telephone & Tel
American Tract Society B
Amster Yard
Andrew Freedman Home
Andrew Norwood House
Andrew and Louise Carnegi
Angel Guardian Home
Ansonia Hotel
Antioch Baptist Church
Apollo Theater
Apollo Theater (originall
Appellate Division Court
Apthorp Apartments
Arthur and Dorothy Dalto
Asbury Methodist Church
Aschenbroedel Verein Bui
Association Residence fo
Association of the Bar of
Astor Library
Astoria Park Pool and P
Audre Lorde Residence
Audubon Park Historic D
August and Augusta Schov
Avenue H Station House
B. Altman & Co. Departme
B. F. Goodrich Company B
Baird Court, New York Zo
Bank of the Manhattan Com
Bank of the Metropolis
Bankers Trust Building
Barbara Rutherford Hatch
Barbizon Hotel for Women
Barclay-Vesey Building
Barrymore Theater
Bartow-Pell Mansion, Int
Baumann Brothers Furnitur
Bay Ridge Parkway-Docto
Bayard-Condict Building
Beacon Theater, First Flo
Beaumont Apartments
Beaux-Arts Apartments
Beaux-Arts Institute of
Beaver Building
Begrisch Hall, New York
Belasco's Stuyvesant The
Bell Telephone Laborato
Belleclaire Hotel
Belnord Apartments
Benevolent and Protectiv
Benjamin Franklin High S
Benjamin P. Allen House
Bennett Building
Beresford Apartments
Bergdorf Goodman
Bertine Block Historic D
Betsy Head Play Center
Beverly Hotel (now The B
Bialystoker Center and H
Biltmore Theater
Boerum Hill Historic D
Bohemian National Hall
Bond Street Savings Bank
Booth Theater
Borough Hall Skyscraper
Bowery Bank of New York
Bowery Savings Bank
Bowling Green Offices Bu
Bowne House
Boys' High School
Brill Building
Brinckerhoff Cemetery
Britton Cottage
Broad Exchange Building
Broadhurst Theater
Broadway-Chambers Buildi
Bronx Borough Courthouse
Bronx County Building
Bronx General Post Offic
Bronx Grit Chamber
Bronx Post Office
Brooklyn Academy of Musi
Brooklyn Bridge
Brooklyn Central Office,
Brooklyn City Hall
Brooklyn Clay Retort and
Brooklyn Edison Building
Brooklyn Fire Headquarter
Brooklyn Institute of Ar
Brooklyn Public Library,
Brooklyn Public Library,
Brooklyn Public Library,
Brooklyn Public Library,
Brooklyn Public Library,
Brooklyn Union Gas Compan
Brougham Cottage
Brown Building
Bryant Park
Bryant Park Studios
Bush Tower
CBS Building
Caleb T. Ward Mansion
Carnegie Hall
Carnegie Hill Historic
Carroll Gardens Histori
Carroll Street Bridge
Cary Building
Casa Italiana
Castle Clinton
Castle Williams
Cathedral Church of St.
Catherina Lipsius House
Catholic Apostolic Churc
Central Park
Central Park West - 76th
Central Park West - Wes
Central Savings Bank
Central Savings Bank, no
Central Synagogue
Century Association Clubh
Century Building
Chamber of Commerce of th
Chanin Building
Chapel of the Good Shephe
Chapel of the Intercessio
Charles Kreischer House
Charlie Parker Residence
Chelsea Apartments
Chelsea Historic Distri
Chelsea Historic Distri
Child's Restaurant Build
Children's Aid Society,
Children's Aid Society,
Christ Church
Christ Church Complex
Chrysler Building
Church Missions House
Church of All Saints Com
Church of Saint Ignatius
Church of Saint Mary-The
Church of Saint Paul the
Church of Saint Vincent F
Church of St. Joseph of t
Church of the Holy Apostl
Church of the Holy Commu
Church of the Holy Commun
Church of the Holy Trinit
Church of the Incarnation
Church of the Transfigur
Citicorp Center (now 601
Cities Service Building
Cities Service Building,
Citizens Savings Bank
City Bank-Farmers Trust
City Hall
Civic Club
Claremont Stables
Claremont Theater Buildi
Clarence and Anne Douglas
Clay Avenue Historic Dis
College of Mount St. Vin
Colony Club
Colored School No. 3
Commanding Officer's Qua
Coney Island (Riegelman
Coney Island Theater Bui
Conference House
Congregation Beth Hamedr
Congregation Tifereth Is
Conservatory, New York B
Consolidated Edison Com
Cooper Union
Corbin Building
Cornelius Baker Hall of P
Cornelius Cruser House
Cornelius Van Wyck House
Cort Theater
Coty Building
Croquet Shelter
Croton Aqueduct West 119
Crotona Play Center
Crotona Play Center Bath
Cunard Building
Curtis High School
DUMBO Historic District
Daily News Building
Dakota Apartments
Daniel and Abbie B. Eldr
David Latourette House
De Vinne Press Building
Decker Farmhouse
Della Robbia Bar
Delmonico's Building
Dennison and Lydia Wood H
Deutsches (German) Dispe
Dime Savings Bank
Dime Savings Bank, first
Ditmas Park Historic Di
Doering-Bohack House
Dollar Savings Bank
Dollar Savings Bank, fir
Dorrance Brooks Square
Douglaston Hill Histori
Douglaston Historic Di
Down Town Association Bu
Downtown Athletic Club B
Dr. James R. Boardman Hou
Dr. Maurice T. Lewis Hou
Dry Dock No. 1
Duff House, Riverdale Pre
Duffield Street Houses
Dunbar Apartments
Dyckman House
E. Hayward and Amelia Par
E. V. Haughwout Building
East 10th Street Histori
East 17th Street / Irvin
East 25th Street Histor
East New York Savings Ba
East River Houses
East River Savings Bank
Eastern Airlines Buildin
Eastern Parkway
Eberhard Faber Pencil Co
Edgar Allen Poe Cottage
Edgewater Village Hall
Edith Andrews Logan Resi
Edward E. Sanford
Edward Mooney House
Edward Ridley & Sons Dep
Edwards-Barton House
Edwin Clarke and Grace Hi
Edwin and Elizabeth Shutt
Eglise de Notre Dame
Eighth Coastal Artillery
Eldorado Apartments
Eldridge Street Synagogue
Eleventh District Munici
Eleventh Street Methodist
Elias Hubbard Ryder Hous
Ellis Island Historic Dis
Embassy Theater
Emigrant Industrial Savi
Emily Trevor House
Emmanuel Baptist Church
Empire Building
Empire State Building
Empire State Building (I
Engine Company No. 252
Engineers' Club Building
Equitable Building
Erasmus Hall Academy
Erasmus Hall High Schoo
Erlanger Theater
Erlanger Theater (Saint
Ernest Flagg Estate Cotta
Ernest Flagg Estate Cotta
Ernest Flagg House: Stone
Ernesto and Edith Fabri H
Esso Building
Estey Piano Company Fact
Everett Building
Excelsior Steam Power Co
Expanded Carnegie Hill
F. J. Berlenbach House
F. W. Devoe & Co. Factor
F.W.I.L. Lundy Brothers
Famous Players-Lasky Stud
Federal Reserve Bank of N
Felix and Frieda S. Warbu
Film Center Building
Fire Engine Company 253
Fire Engine Company 258,
Fire Engine Company 289,
Fire Engine Company 39 a
Fire Engine Company No. 3
Fire Engine Company No. 3
Fire Engine Company No.
Fire Engine Company No.
Fire Engine Company No. 6
Fire Engine Company No. 6
Fire Engine Company No.
Fire Hook and Ladder Com
Firehouse, Engine Compan
Firehouse, Engine Compan
Firehouse, Engine Company
Firehouse, Engine Compan
Firehouse, Engine Compan
Firehouse, Engine Company
Firehouse, Engine Compan
Firehouse, Engine Company
Firehouses, Engine Compa
First Church of Christ, S
First Free Congregational
First German Baptist Chu
First Houses
First Hungarian Reformed
First Precinct Police Sta
First Reformed Church of
Fisk-Harkness House
Fitzgerald/Ginsberg House
Flatbush District No. 1
Flatbush Dutch Reformed
Flatbush Dutch Reformed
Flatbush Dutch Reformed C
Flatbush Town Hall
Flatiron Building
Fleming Smith Warhouse
Flushing High School
Flushing Town Hall
Fonthill, the Edwin Forre
Forest Park Carousel
Former Emigrant Industri
Forrest Theater, later t
Fort Greene Historic Di
Fort Hamilton Casemate Fo
Fort Hamilton Parkway En
Fort Richmond
Fort Schuyler
Fort Tompkins
Fort Totten Battery
Fort Totten Historic Di
Fort Totten Officer's Clu
Fort Tryon Park
Fort Washington Presbyte
Forty-Sixth Street Theat
Forward Building
Four Seasons Restaurant
Fourteenth Ward Industria
Fraunces Tavern
Fraunces Tavern Block Hi
Fred F. French Building
Frederick C. and Birdsal
Frederick Law Olmsted Hou
Frederick and Frances Jay
Free Public Baths of the
Free Public Baths of the
Friends Meeting House
Friends Meeting House and
Fuller Building
Fulton Ferry Historic Di
Gage & Tollner Restaurant
Gainsborough Studios
Gansevoort Market Histo
Garibaldi-Meucci Museum
Gay Activists Alliance Fi
General Electric Buildin
General Grant National Me
General Society of Mechan
George B. and Susan Elki
George Cunningham Store
George S. Bowdoin Stable
George William and Anna C
George and Martha Whitney
George and Sarah Rives Ho
German-American Shooting
Germania Bank Building
Germania Fire Insurance
Germania Life Insurance
Gertrude Rhinelander Wald
Gillett-Tyler House
Gilsey House
Globe Theater
Goelet Building
Goelet Building (Interio
Gorham Building
Gorham Manufacturing Comp
Gotham Hotel
Gould Memorial Library, N
Gould Memorial Library, N
Governors Island Histori
Gowanus Canal Flushing T
Grace Chapel
Grace Chapel Hospital
Grace Church (Episcopal)
Grace Church Rectory
Grace Episcopal Church a
Grafton W. and Anne Minot
Graham Court Apartments
Grammar School No. 9
Grand Army Plaza
Grand Central Terminal
Grand Hotel
Gravesend Cemetery
Graybar Building
Green-Wood Cemetery Gate
Greenwich Savings Bank
Greenwich Village Histor
Greyston Gatehouse
Grolier Club
Guardian Life Insurance
Guild Theater
Gustav A. Mayer House
H. H. Richardson House
Hadley House
Haffen Building
Hall of Fame, New York Un
Hall of Languages, New Yo
Hall of Records
Hamilton Heights Histor
Hamilton Heights/Sugar H
Hamilton Heights/Sugar H
Hamilton Heights/Sugar
Hamilton Theater
Hamilton-Holly House
Hammerstein's Theater, n
Hampton Shops Building
Hanover Bank
Hans S. Christian Memori
Hanson Place Baptist Chur
Harlem River Houses
Harriet and Thomas Trues
Harry B. and Evelina Holl
Harvard Club of New York
Haskins & Sells Building
Havemeyers & Elder Filte
Hawthorne Court Apartmen
Headquarters Troop, 51st
Hearst Magazine Building
Hecla Iron Works Buildin
Helen Miller Gould Carria
Henderson Place Historic
Hendrick I. Lott House
Henry Clay and Adelaide C
Henry Hogg Biddle House
Henry McFarlane House
Henry Miller's Theater
Henry P. and Kate T. Davi
Henry Seligman Residence
Henry T. and Jessie Sloan
Henry and Abraham Wyckoff
Henry and Susan McDonald
Herman A. and Malvina Sc
Herman Ridder Junior Hig
Hickson W. Field Stores
High Pumping Station
Highbridge Aqueduct
Highbridge Play Center
Holland Plaza Building
Hollywood Theater
Holyrood Episcopal Churc
Home Life Insurance Comp
Hopkins Store
Horatio Shepheard Moat Ho
Horn & Hardart Automat-C
Hotel Lexington
Hotel Mansfield
Hotel Martinique
Hotel Seville (now The J
Hotel Theresa
Hotel Wolcott
Houses on Hunterfly Road
Houses on Hunterfly Road
Houses on Hunterfly Road
Howard E. and Jessie Jone
Hubbard House
Hudson Theater
Hunters Point Historic
I. Miller Building
IRT Subway System Underg
Imperial Apartments
Imperial Theater
Interborough Rapid Trans
Interborough Rapid Transi
Interborough Rapid Transi
Interborough Rapid Trans
International Building (
International Mercantile
Irad Hawley House (Salmag
Isaac L. and Julia B. Ri
Isaac Valentine House
J. Kurtz & Sons Store
J. P. Morgan & Co. Buildi
J. William and Margaretta
Jackie Robinson (Colonia
Jackie Robinson Play Ce
Jackson Heights Histor
Jacob Adriance Farmhouse
Jamaica Chamber of Comme
Jamaica High School
Jamaica Savings Bank
James A. and Florence Slo
James A. and Ruth M. Bail
James Baldwin Residence
James Blackwell House
James F. D. and Harriet
James J. and Josephine Go
James L. and Lucinda Bed
James Watson House
Japan Society Headquarte
Johannes Van Nuyse House
John B. and Caroline Trev
John DeGroot House
John Frederick Smith Hou
John H. and Elizabeth J.
John Henry and Emily Vand
John King Vanderbilt Hou
John Peirce Residence
John Rankin House
John Street Methodist Chu
John William and Lydia A
John and Altje Baxter Hou
John and Elizabeth Trusl
John and Mary Sutphin Hou
Jonathan W. Allen Stable
Joost and Elizabeth Van
Joseph B. and Josephine
Joseph H. Seguine House
Joseph Loth & Company Si
Joseph Raphael De Lamar H
Joseph Steele House
Judson Memorial Church
Judson Memorial Tower and
Julia Gardiner Tyler Hous
Jumel Terrace Historic
Kehila Kadosha Janina Syn
Keller Hotel
Kent Automatic Parking Ga
Keuffel & Esser Company
Kimlau War Memorial
Kings County Savings Bank
Kingsland Homestead
Kitchen, Montross & Wilco
Knickerbocker Hotel
Knox Building
Kreischerville Workers'
L.P. Hollander & Company
La Casina
Laboratory Administratio
Ladies' Mile Historic D
Lambs Club
Langston Hughes House
Lawrence Graveyard
Lefferts-Laidlaw House
Lewis Gouverneur and Nath
Lewis H. Latimer House
Lewis Spencer and Emily C
Lincoln Building
Lincoln Club
Little Theater
Little Theater (now Hele
Loew's Canal Street Theat
Loew's Paradise Theater
Loew's Paradise Theater
Long Island Business Col
Long Island Headquarters
Long Island Historical So
Longacre Theater
Longwood Historic Distr
Longwood Historic Distri
Look Building
Lord & Taylor Building
Lord & Taylor Store
Lorillard Snuff Mill, New
Louis A. and Laura Stirn
Louis Armstrong House
Louis H. Chalif Normal S
Louis N. Jaffe Art Theat
Louis N. Jaffe Art Theat
Low Memorial Library
Lyceum Theater
Lyceum Theatre
M.H. Renkin Dairy Compa
Madison Belmont Building
Madison Belmont Building
Madison Square North Hi
Magen David Synagogue
Magnolia Grandiflora
Majestic Apartments
Majestic Theater
Manhattan Bridge Arch an
Manhattan House
Mansfield Theater
Mansfield Theater, now t
Manufacturers Hanover Tru
Manufacturers Trust Comp
Manufacturers Trust Comp
Marble Collegiate Church
Marine Air Terminal
Mark Hellinger Theater (
Mark W. Allen House
Marseilles Hotel
Martha Washington Hotel
Martin Beck Theater
Martin Erdmann House
Mary Hale Cunningham Hou
Mary and David Burgher H
Master Building
McCarren Play Center
McGraw-Hill Building
Memorial Church of the H
Messiah Home for Childre
Metropolitan Baptist Chur
Metropolitan Club Buildin
Metropolitan Life Insura
Metropolitan Museum His
Metropolitan Museum of Ar
Metropolitan Savings Bank
Middleton S. and Emilie
Midtown Theater
Mills Hotel No.3
Minnie E. Young House
Modulightor Building
Montauk Paint Manufactur
Moore-Jackson Cemetery
Morningside Park
Morris Avenue Historic
Morris B. Sanders Studio
Morris High School Audito
Morris High School Histo
Morris and Lauranette Sc
Morris-Jumel Mansion
Morse Building
Morton and Nellie Plant H
Moses Allen and Alice Dun
Mother African Methodist
Mott Haven East Historic
Mount Morris Bank Buildi
Mount Morris Park Histo
Mount Olive Fire Baptize
Mount Saint Vincent Acade
Mount Vernon Hotel Museu
Mrs. Amory S. Carhart Hou
Municipal Asphalt Plant
Municipal Building
Museum Building, Founta
Museum of the City of New
Music Box Theater
Mutual Reserve Fund Asso
Nathaniel J. and Ann C.
National City Bank Buildi
National Society of Colo
National Title Guaranty C
New Amsterdam Theater
New Dorp Light
New England Congregationa
New Lots Reformed Dutch C
New School for Social Re
New Utrecht Reformed Dut
New Utrecht Reformed Dutc
New Utrecht Reformed Dut
New York Architectural Te
New York Central Buildi
New York Central Building
New York City Lunatic As
New York County Courtho
New York County Courthou
New York County Lawyers'
New York County National
New York Curb Exchange (
New York Evening Post Bui
New York Free Circulatin
New York Free Circulatin
New York Life Insurance B
New York Life Insurance
New York Marble Cemetery
New York Public Library
New York Public Library
New York Public Library G
New York Public Library,
New York Public Library,
New York Public Library,
New York Public Library,
New York Public Library,
New York Public Library,
New York Public Library,
New York Public Library,
New York Public Library,
New York Public Library,
New York Public Library,
New York Public Library,
New York Public Library,
New York Public Library,
New York Public Library,
New York Public Library,
New York Public Library,
New York Public Library,
New York Savings Bank
New York School of Applie
New York Society for Ethi
New York Stock Exchange
New York Times Building
New York Yacht Club Buil
New York and Long Island
New York, Westchester & B
New-York Cab Company Sta
New-York Cancer Hospital
Newtown High School
Nicholas C. and Agnes Be
NoHo East Historic Dist
NoHo Historic District
NoHo Historic District
Noonan Plaza Apartments
Normandy Apartments
Northern Reformed Church
Northfield Township Dist
Ocean on the Park Histor
Offerman Building
Old Merchant's House (Se
Old Saint James Episcopa
Old St. Patrick's Convent
Old West Farms Soldiers'
Oliver D. and Mary Pyne F
Oliver Gould and Mary Bre
Oliver Street Baptist Chu
One Chase Manhattan Pla
Orchard Beach Bath Hous
Otto and Addie Kahn Hous
Our Lady of Lourdes Roma
Palace Theater
Parachute Jump
Paramount Building
Paramount Hotel
Park Avenue Viaduct
Park East Synagogue
Park Plaza Apartments
Park Row Building
Park Slope Historic Di
Park Terrace West-West
Parsonage of the Church o
Paul J. Rainey Memorial
Paul Rudolph Penthouse &
Payne and Helen Hay Whitn
People's Trust Company Bu
Pepsi-Cola Building
Pepsi-Cola Sign
Percy and Maud H. Pyne Ho
Pershing Square Building
Peter Housman House
Peter Lefferts House
Peter P. and Rosa M. Hub
Peter S. Hoe House, Sunny
Phelps Stokes - J.P. Mor
Philip and Carrie Lehman
Pier A, Battery Park
Pierpont Morgan Library
Pierpont Morgan Library
Pierre Billiou House
Plant and Scrymser Pavil
Plaza Hotel
Plaza Hotel Interiors
Plymouth Theater
Police Athletic League B
Popenhusen Institute
Post Hospital
Potter Building
Pratt Institute Library
Pratt Row Houses
Prince's Bay Lighthouse
Prospect Cemetery
Prospect Park
Prospect Park South His
Protestant Reformed Dutc
Public School 9 Annex
Public Bath No. 7
Public Baths
Public School 102
Public School 108
Public School 109 (now E
Public School 116
Public School 15
Public School 15 (Daniel
Public School 166
Public School 27
Public School 28
Public School 34
Public School 39
Public School 48
Public School 65K
Public School 66
Public School 71K
Public School 72
Public School 73
Public School 86
Public School 9
Puck Building
Queens Borough Public Li
Queens General Court Hou
Queensboro Bridge
R. H. Macy & Company Sto
RCA Building (Rockefelle
RKO Building
RKO Keith's Flushing The
Racquet and Tennis Club
Radio City Music Hall (Ro
Rainbow Room
Ralph Bunche House
Ralph and Ann E. Van Wyc
Rectory of Saint Martin's
Rectory of the Eglise de
Red Hook Play Center (S
Red House
Reformed Church on Stat
Reformed Dutch Church of
Regent Theater
Regina Angelorum
Reginald and Anna DeKove
Remsen Cemetery
Renaissance Apartments
Reverend David Moore Hou
Reverend Isaac Coleman a
Richard Cornell Graveyard
Richard Webber Harlem Pa
Richmond County Courthou
Richmond Hill Republican
Ridgewood Lodge No. 710,
Ridgewood Savings Bank,
Ridgewood Theater Buildi
Ritz Tower
Riverdale Presbyterian Ch
Riverside Drive-West 80t
Riverside Park and Rivers
Robbins & Appleton Buildi
Robert and Anne Dickey H
Robert and Marie Lorillar
Rockefeller Apartments
Rockefeller Center, Asso
Rockefeller Center, Brit
Rockefeller Center, Int
Rockefeller Center, La M
Rockefeller Center, RCA
Rockefeller Center, Radi
Rockefeller Fountain, Ne
Rockefeller Guest House
Rodin Studios
Roger and Mary Philipse
Rogers, Peet & Company Bu
Roosevelt Hospital, Will
Roosevelt Island Lighthou
Rossville AME Zion Churc
Royale Theater
Rufus King House
Russell Sage Foundation
Russian Orthodox Cathedra
Rutan-Journeay House
S. Jarmulowsky Bank Buil
Sailors' Snug Harbor, Bu
Sailors' Snug Harbor, Bu
Sailors' Snug Harbor, Bu
Sailors' Snug Harbor, Bu
Sailors' Snug Harbor, Bu
Sailors' Snug Harbor, Iro
Sailors' Snug Harbor, Nor
Saint Alban's Episcopal C
Saint Aloysius Roman Cat
Saint Andrew's Church
Saint Ann's Church and Gr
Saint Bartholomew's Churc
Saint Bartholomew's Chur
Saint Cecilia's Church
Saint George's Church
Saint George's Episcopal
Saint George's Syrian C
Saint James Episcopal Chu
Saint James Roman Cathol
Saint Jean Baptiste Churc
Saint John's Church
Saint Luke's Episcopal Ch
Saint Marks-in-the-Bowery
Saint Martin's Episcopal
Saint Mary's Episcopal Ch
Saint Monica's Church
Saint Nicholas of Myra O
Saint Patrick's Cathedral
Saint Patrick's Chancery
Saint Patrick's Church
Saint Patrick's Old Cathe
Saint Paul Roman Catholi
Saint Paul's Chapel and G
Saint Paul's Evangelical
Saint Paul's German Evan
Saint Paul's Memorial Chu
Saint Peter's Church, Ch
Saint Peter's German Evan
Saint Peter's Roman Catho
Saint Philip's Protestant
Saint Stephen's Church
Saint Thomas Church (Epis
Saint Vincent Ferrer Prio
Samuel Pell House
Samuel Tilden House
Samuel Tredwell Skidmore
San Remo Apartments
Sara Delano Roosevelt and
Scheffel Hall
Schermerhorn Building
Scribner Building
Seagram Building
Seaman Cottage
Seaman's Retreat, Physici
Seaman's Retreat: Main B
Sears Roebuck & Company
Second Battery Armory
Seventh Regiment Armory
Shearith Israel Graveyar
Shearith Israel Synagogue
Shelton Hotel
Shubert Theater
Sidewalk Clock
Sidewalk Clock, 1501 Thir
Sidewalk Clock, 200 Fifth
Sidewalk Clock, 522 Fifth
Sidewalk Clock, 783 Fifth
Sleight Family Graveyard
Smallpox Hospital
Smith, Gray & Company Bu
Sniffen Court Historic
SoHo-Cast Iron Histori
Society House of the Ame
Socony-Mobil Building
Sohmer & Company Piano F
Soldiers' and Sailors' M
Solomon R. Guggenheim Mu
Somers Brothers Tinware
South Congregational Chur
South Street Seaport Hi
South Street Seaport Hi
Spaulding Estate Coachman
Springs Mills Building
St Augustine's Chapel
St. Casimir's Roman Cath
St. George / New Bright
St. George's Church, Ol
St. John's Church
St. Louis Hotel
St. Mary's Protestant Ep
St. Michael's Episcopal
St. Nicholas Russian Orth
St. Paul's Avenue-Stapl
St. Regis Hotel
Standard Oil Building
Standard Varnish Works F
Starrett-Lehigh Building
Staten Island Borough Ha
Staten Island Family Cou
Staten Island Savings Ba
Statue of Liberty
Steinway & Sons Receptio
Steinway Hall
Stephen D. Barnes House
Stephens-Prier House
Stewart & Company Buildi
Stone Street Historic Di
Strecker Laboratory
Studebaker Building
Stuyvesant High School
Stuyvesant Square Histor
Suffolk Title and Guaran
Summit Hotel
Sunset Park Court House
Sunset Play Center
Sunset Play Center Bath
Surgeon's House
Surrogate's Court (Hall o
Swift, Seaman & Company
Tammany Hall
Thatcher and Frances Adam
The Arsenal
The Bowery Mission
The Caffe Cino
The Cloisters
The Cyclone
The Dime Savings Bank of
The Empire State Dairy C
The Governor's House
The Harlem Courthouse
The Lesbian Herstory Arc
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexua
The Neighborhood Playhou
The New York Historical S
The Players
The Register
The Riverside Church
The Roosevelt Building
The Salvation Army Natio
The Wilbraham
The Windermere
Theater Masque
Theater Masque, now the
Theodore H. and Elizabet
Theodore Roosevelt Birth
Thomas Jefferson Play Ce
Thomas and Fanny Clarke
Thomson Meter Company Bu
Time & Life Building
Time-Life Building
Tompkinsville (Joseph H
Tompkinsville (Joseph H.
Town Hall
Trans World Airlines (TW
Trans World Airlines Fli
Tremont Baptist Church
Tribeca East Historic D
Tribeca North Historic
Tribeca South Historic
Tribeca South Historic D
Tribeca West Historic
Trinity Building
Trinity Chapel Complex
Trinity Church and Grave
Trinity School
Tudor City Historic Dis
Turtle Bay Gardens Histo
Tysen-Neville House
U.S. Rubber Company Buil
Union Building
Union League Club
Union Reformed Church of
Union Square Savings Ban
Unisphere and Surrounding
United Nations Hotel, Fi
United Palace (formerly
United States Appraisers
United States Courthouse
United States Custom Hou
United States General Pos
United States Post Office
United States Realty Buil
United States Rubber Com
United Workers Cooperat
University Village
Upper East Side Histori
Upper East Side Histori
Upper West Side/Centra
Van Cortlandt Mansion
Van Sicklen House
Van Tassell & Kearney Au
Vanderbilt Mausoleum
Vanderzee-Harper House
Verdi Square
Vincent and Helen Astor H
Voelker Orth Museum, Bir
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel I
Wallabout Historic Dist
Washington Apartments
Washington Bridge
Watch Tower
Wave Hill, William Lewis
Webster Hall and Annex
Weehawken Street Histori
Weeping Beech Tree
Weir Greenhouse
West 71st Street Histori
West Chelsea Historic D
West End - Collegiate H
West Park Presbyterian C
West Street Building
Western Union Building
Westfield Towhnship Scho
Westfield Township Schoo
Wheatsworth Bakery Build
Whitehall Building
Whitehall Ferry Terminal
Willett Street Methodist
William B. Cronyn House
William D. and Ann Cromwe
William E. and Melissa Ph
William Frances Crocker S
William Goadby and Floren
William H. Schofield Hous
William H. and Ada S. Mo
William Lescaze House and
William Ulmer Brewery Co
William and Catherine Cas
William and Helen Ziegle
William and Rosamund Clar
Williamsbridge Reservoir
Williamsburg Branch, Pub
Williamsburg Houses
Williamsburgh Savings Ban
Williamsburgh Trust Comp
Winter Garden Theater
Winthrop Park Shelter Pav
Women's Liberation Center
Wonder Wheel
Woodland Cottage
Woodrow United Methodist
Woods Mercantile Building
Woolworth Building
Woolworth Building (Inter
Yale Club of New York Ci
Yale Club of New York Ci
Yorkville Bank Building
Young Men's Christian As
Young Men's Christian Ass
Young Men's Institute Bu
Zion English Lutheran Chu
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Landmark Name
Kingsland Homestead
143-35 37th Avenue
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Designation Photos
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Kingsland Homestead
143-35 37th Avenue
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Kingsland Homestead
143-35 37th Avenue
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Landmark Name
Kingsland Homestead
143-35 37th Avenue
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Landmark Name
Kingsland Homestead
143-35 37th Avenue
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Kingsland Homestead
143-35 37th Avenue
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William and Rosamund Clark House
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Landmark Name
William and Rosamund Clark House
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Designation Photos
Landmark Name
William and Rosamund Clark House
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William and Rosamund Clark House
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William and Rosamund Clark House
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Landmark Name
Irad Hawley House (Salmagundi Club)
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Landmark Name
Irad Hawley House (Salmagundi Club)
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Landmark Name
Irad Hawley House (Salmagundi Club)
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Landmark Name
428 Lafayette Street Building
428 Lafayette Street
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Landmark Name
428 Lafayette Street Building
428 Lafayette Street
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Designation Photos
Landmark Name
428 Lafayette Street Building
428 Lafayette Street
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Designation Photos
Landmark Name
428 Lafayette Street Building
428 Lafayette Street
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Designation Photos
Landmark Name
428 Lafayette Street Building
428 Lafayette Street
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Landmark Name
428 Lafayette Street Building
428 Lafayette Street
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Landmark Name
428 Lafayette Street Building
428 Lafayette Street
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Landmark Name
428 Lafayette Street Building
428 Lafayette Street
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Landmark Name
428 Lafayette Street Building
428 Lafayette Street
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Landmark Name
428 Lafayette Street Building
428 Lafayette Street
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Landmark Name
428 Lafayette Street Building
428 Lafayette Street
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Landmark Name
428 Lafayette Street Building
428 Lafayette Street
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Landmark Name
428 Lafayette Street Building
428 Lafayette Street
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Landmark Name
428 Lafayette Street Building
428 Lafayette Street
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Landmark Name
428 Lafayette Street Building
428 Lafayette Street
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Landmark Name
Astor Library
423-437 Lafayette Street
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Astor Library
423-437 Lafayette Street
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Landmark Name
E. V. Haughwout Building
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Landmark Name
E. V. Haughwout Building
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Landmark Name
E. V. Haughwout Building
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Landmark Name
E. V. Haughwout Building
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Landmark Name
E. V. Haughwout Building
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Landmark Name
E. V. Haughwout Building
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Landmark Name
Friends Meeting House
27-30 Gramercy Park South (aka 144 East 20th Street)
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Landmark Name
Friends Meeting House
27-30 Gramercy Park South (aka 144 East 20th Street)
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Friends Meeting House
27-30 Gramercy Park South (aka 144 East 20th Street)
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Landmark Name
United States Custom House
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Landmark Name
United States Custom House
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Landmark Name
United States Custom House
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Landmark Name
United States Custom House
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Landmark Name
United States Custom House
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Landmark Name
United States Custom House
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Landmark Name
United States Custom House
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Landmark Name
United States Custom House
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Designation Photos
Landmark Name
United States Custom House
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Designation Photos
Landmark Name
United States Custom House
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Designation Photos